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Problems printing to HP 8500 Pro Plus A910


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I recently purchased a new HP 8500 Pro Plus A910 printer, and have just discovered that it does not correctly print any of my JasperReports reports.

When I print an A4 report, it prints in A6 (one quarter of A4) size in the top left corner of the page. If, instead, I print to PDF and then send it to the printer, it's fine. If I print to my old Canon IP4200, also fine. The problem is not code-related, because it happens even when I print straight out of iReport preview.

I've tried creating grossly simplified reports, just a single detail band with one static text/label control, and the same thing is happening.

I'm running JasperReports 4.3.3, Java 1.6.0_23 on Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit.

I've had no problems printinmg anything else to this printer. In fact, I'm more than a bit in love with it. Should I admit that? <g>

Any similar experiences? And suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in aniticipation.

Luke Webber

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How are you printing?  Are you printing directly from an application like jasper swing viewer or IReport or Jasper Server?  Or are you printing *after* you export to a particular format such as .docx, .pdf, etc...?

That would help narrow it down some to a possible culprit that's interfering with your printer. 

>In fact, I'm more than a bit in love with it. Should I admit that?

Let me know after you buy a few ink cartridges if you still love it :-)

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Thanks Frank.

As I said, it happens when I print directly from my code, but also when I print from iReports preview mode. But NOT when I print to PDF and then send that to the printer.

>>In fact, I'm more than a bit in love with it. Should I admit that?

>Let me know after you buy a few ink cartridges if you still love it :-)

I have. Not much more expensive than my old IP4200, and they last much longer. Even the carts that came with the printer have done close to two reams (well, not the black, but the colour). The XL carts should do better still. Oh, and I bought a full set of colour carts, plus 100 pages of glossy paper as a bundle for AUD88.

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If it's occuring just when you directly print through Java, then I would do some outside of Jasper land Java printing using a different Java application.  Perhaps search around for that type of printer and any Java print bugs?  Sounds like it might be a problem with how Java Print is sending to that particular type of printer.

Update your drivers online for the printer?

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If it's occuring just when you directly print through Java, then I would do some outside of Jasper land Java printing using a different Java application.  Perhaps search around for that type of printer and any Java print bugs?  Sounds like it might be a problem with how Java Print is sending to that particular type of printer.

Update your drivers online for the printer?

Well, *ahem*, I tried to upgrade the drivers yesterday, and ended up in all sorts of trouble. Couldn't install the new drivers, couldn't uninstall the old, couldn't create the printer. Better believe that took some of the shine off the lovely new printer. <g>

I've done a lot of searching for similar problems, without much joy, and everything else I've tried works just fine.

I'll have a go at building some sraigh Java code to write to the printer and see how that goes. But first, I'd better finish the job I started, or my client will have my head.

Thanks Frank. +1 internets and +1 karma for you.

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Thanks for the Karma, I gave you a +1 as well ;-).  Yea, I'd just search around and download and try another java application with print capabilities or run a sample or two from Oracle's site just to see real quick if there's an issue right off hand.

Good luck with the printer and drivers though and if you figure out what it was I'd love to hear it.

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  • 4 months later...



I´m having exaktly the same problem with the "ELBA" application witch is also using Jasper reports.


I use Windows XP. with a HP Officejet Pro 8500a Plus A910 printer.

previously i used a HP OfficeJet 7580 and there was no problem with Printing from Elba.


Do you allready have a solution for this problem?





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With the hotline of elba.at i had found a workaround now:


The printing resolution must be symmetrical. (example 600x600 dpi)


This works if you do following:


set at Printer configuration in advanced settings

printing text always black and print quality to "normal"


that works now for me.




Please excuse the broken english because i´m speaking german.

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