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How can we write a report without using Ireport tool?


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I am developing a banking systems..so there are very complex repoet to be genaretad..i already know that how to making MySQL memory table..how can we connect that memory and jasper report?

also can we make a report with out using iReport tool ?


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These are kind of vague questions and probably won't get you many repsonses.  Can you be more specific?  That might help generate more replies. 

You can use Jasper Server to create ad-hoc reports where you pick and choose the columns you want -- I believe.  Also, you can hand edit reports with just a plain text editor or you can use a product such as Dynamic Jasper to create dynamci reports if that's what you need:



There should be sufficient examples with the distribution to show you how to hook up databases such as MySQL to Jasper, unless there's something unqiue you're trying to accomplish.  If there is something unique, please try to be as specific and verbose as possible with as many details as possible to hopfully attract more fruitful answers.

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I've found a slick solution to be a combination of velocity/java and jrxml. I can skin up a template in Ireport, make it look how I want down to the pixel level, then create a velocity template based on that jrxml. Then I can feed java beans to velocity to create the dynamic aspect: column headings, fields, data types, etc. for each report I need. One jrxml, one velocity template, as many unique definitions as I need fed in via xml or a database call.
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Hey, gertbeedfrobe.  you had the same amount of Karma as me, but now you've got more than me for that tip.  I didn't think of doing that and i've used velocity templates before.  That's a pretty good idea.  Just skip the dynamic jasper project altogether and go straight to using velocity as part of your pipeline for creating ad-hoc/dynamic reporting.  I like that idea a lot.  I hope to try it out soon on some projects.

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