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Jasper Reports Server with PHP


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Hi All,

It's been a while since my last use of jasper reporting software.

I have recently been given a new project to add reporting capabilities to a PHP application so far I have been able to create a report in ireport load it into Jasper Server and request the report from a browser with paramters. This has all been setup to work via a webservice.

This works great for my PDF reports but I would like to offer a html and CSV/XLS version of each report. I have managed to output some of the html version of the report to the page but my charts don't work and the csv version has all sorts of data in it that I don't really need like the web pages source. Just to get these html and csv reports working I had to manually parse the server response which seems wrong to me, maybe I am overlooking something. I can include sample code if needed.

What I really want to know, is there an alternative way of obtaining the html and csv reports or is the webservice route the way to go?  I have read about PHP-java Bridge and having used Jasper in a Java system before I feel this maybe the way to go. If anyone has any experiece of working with Jasper and PHP I would be grateful to hear your recommendations.



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I have just tried adding the webservice response to an iframe but still have all the same problems .i.e. images missing, header and -----Part text displayed, etc.

Maybe there is a better way to do this but I have searched Google for hours and can't find any other solution.

Can anyone help?




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