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Adding parameter info in a text field with a format.


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I'm using iReport 3.51 and I have a report with a parameter $P{Limit}.

I use it in a text field as such.

"Limit of "+ $P{Limit} +" and over"

The number I enter in the parameter shows up. So far so good. This is a String class BTW.

What I am trying to do now is change the format to be like others text boxes with fields I have on this report that are double classes using a pattern #,##0

I tried a few ways such as:

"Limit of "+ (new DecimalFormat("#,##0")).format($P{Limit}) +" and over"

I keeps getting errors.

Does anyone know what I should be entering to get it to work the way I want it?




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I did some experimenting with a short report where I input a String parameter called $P{InputString}, and here's what I found, using input of 12345678:

1. Obviously, if I just output a text field of $P{12345678} as a String field, it outputs:  12345678  with no numerical formatting.

2. If I'm not required to combine it with other text, I can use Integer.parseInt($P{InputString})+1  (I incremented just to prove that my output really is an integer) as the Text Field Expression, and then I can set the Expression class to java.lang.Integer manually and I can use the normal "Pattern" button to select the pattern I want ("#,##0", for example), and the result is:  12,345,679

3. If I really want the result to be a string that I can then surround with other text, I tried using a Text Field Expression as follows:

"The Number+1 is "+(new DecimalFormat("#,##0").format(Integer.parseInt($P{InputString})+1))+", isn't it?"

The resulting output looked like this:

The Number+1 is 12,345,679, isn't it?

So I'm hoping that gives you a few options...method #2 is simpler, but if you really need to embed the number in the midst of text instead of in a field of it's own, you can use method #3 instead.


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