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By: Ilievski Bozidar - bobi1978

GroupCount ?

2002-02-03 14:50

Hi Teodor.


I need to have a variable (something like PAGECOUNT)

that will count how many groups I have in a report,(when I use <group> tag).

And I need to print that number, every time new

group apperas in a report.

Any help...






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: GroupCount ?

2002-02-03 23:50




There is no simple way to do that right now.

It will be when scriptlets will be available.


I suggest you try something like this:


Define a variable that re-initializes itself every time your group changes

(see "resetGroup attribute").

On the "initialValueExpression" of this variable (which will be evaluated every time

you group changes), put an expression that calls a static method in a class somewhere,

that will increment a static member representing your group count.

Using another defined variable that reads this static group count,

you will be able to display it on your report.


I think this should work. In the report expressions, you can access your own

libraries if they are visible in the classpath.


Good luck!





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

Group number solution

2002-02-20 23:47




I was wrong when I told you there is

no simple way to do that.

In fact is very simple:


Lets say you have a group called "CityGroup"

on your report and you want to have a variable

that increments itself every time the City changes.

Then you could define a variable called

"CityNo" like this:


<variable name="CityNo" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="CityGroup" calculation="System">



($V{CityNo} != null)?(new Integer($V{CityNo}.intValue() + 1)):(new Integer(1))




You can see that this variable has only an

initial value expression that is evaluated every

time the "CityGroup" changes and it increments itself.

I order to be able to benefit from the initial

value expression functionality you have to

specify that your variable perform some kind

of custom calculation (calculation="System").


I think I'll put this on the "Tips & Tricks" section.


Good luck!


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But how does it looks when I have a say StateGroup into which CityGroup is embedded :(


How would you then implement the counter :unsure:


The CityNo should always start from the begin with each new state.


Any hints?

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