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schedule report with dynamic inputs


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Hi All,

Not sure if this was asked before, but I could not get anything from keyword search on this topic.


I have a report run on occassion basis and it has two dynamic inputs - today's date and six days before. They are all mandatory fields and set with default values and works perfectly on every clicks.

I am now going to have a scheduling report job on it but when i was at the step of setting input parameters, I could not find a way to pass by dynamic dates. I tried leave blank but server not allows that because it is mandatory fields. I also made couple tries with mandatory flag removed. But I found the report would take empty value as inputs if I leave blank in the schedule settings.

I can solve this problem by creating a same report with no input controls for scheduling but I am interested that is there a way of doing those thing in one report



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if the parameters are visible in general report execution, then there are avaliable input options for those parameters when set schedule reporting.

If I leave blank, when the schedule reporting actived, it will  take blank as parameter input, not a null value which I am after. But I need those parameter input be visible as the report is running on occasion basis as well.

Is there any option for schedule report to use default value of any parameters?

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There is no nice simple solution to this. You could use something along the following lines. Create these input controls:

LastWeek (boolean checkbox)

StartDate and EndDate are simple dates. But for StartDateSQL you use logic like this:

If LastWeek is checked then use the date 6 days before today (and ignore StartDate), but if LastWeek is not checked then use StartDate. Use the ternary operator and fill in the relevant date calculation:

$P{LastWeek} ? [calculate today - 6 days] : $P{StartDate}

There are lots of variations on this idea. But something like this should give you what you need.


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