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CanJasper do all this -URGENT feasibility requirem


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This is already posted on sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3830751

however found that jreport has new home so reposting

here.Hope to see some reply soon. This post may be interesting for architects of this project to identify new features. I expect to see some inputs from them as well



Hi All,


This weekend I need to be prepared with evaluation results of these reporting solutions and have inclination towards open source Jasper. Writing to this forum inorder to resolve certain tricky/complex queries, more supporting inputs on its comparison and near future features expected. I had chance to understand and work JasperReport+iReport for not more than 5 days and felt this forum could offer me insight of it in short time. And am evaluating jasper report against SQL Server 2005 Reporting service.


The evaluation is meant to get alternative reporting solution for existing custom java report engine in a full fledged J2EE application with huge amount of data and having short development time.

Also main objective of study being being able to compare for this two against current/old reporting engine


I am MAINLY LOOKING FOR INPUTS & solutions on following points at the moment which are partly or completely UNCLEAR after my initial study.


3, 4, 8,

10 - (what all approaches?. one approach I saw is it may require generating jrml file usign velocity approach as in one sample of IBM. However from a page on web I come to know that escaping $ seems to be problem in this case. )

11- How is drill down for formats other than HTML addressed - mainly XLS, XML

15 to 25




Evaluation points

1. the capability of new reporting engine to render similar reports as in old system, addressing atleast all features in old engine (this are mentioned separately below)

2. Determine the integration for the reporting engine with existing appln i.e. interfacing that this old system can do with new system for getting the report.

3. and integration in Portlet environment is important

4. Performance

5. Scalability and the scope for future extensibility in the new engines



Desired FEATURE of new reporting engine

6. Generate a report - typically separating UI definitions, data source and generate various O/p formats as HTML, XLS, XML, PDF.

7. Address internationalisation and localisation ( locale specific date formatting)

8. Support for parameterisation of queries (entered from search and advanced search pages). and any provision to make search and advanced search screens for input parameters

10. Dynamic queries -- i.e. further ability to ignore part of SQL based on input parameter not provided [This is VVIP factor and I want to know how it is addressed in these engines]. This also influences certain part of output data not being fetched. Thereby output columns or dataset may be dynamic.

11. sub reports & Drilldown

12. Cross tab reports

13. Current engine carries out calculations through queries unlike the approaches in these new engines.

14. Offline report capabilites as schedule, mailing is not a requirement at moment.

15. There are no major charts display as of now but can have a drilldown chart.

16. Can the report be displayed with lazy data fetching in cases of tons of data

17. Support for style sheet. Plus provision to address output file specific formattings

18. Use of separating pagination component in rendered reports. I felt the pagination logic is tightly coupled in jasper output may be with certain objectives for good!!

19. Does XML output retain the layout details defined in iReport

20. There can be multiple nested groups of data with calculations like TOTAL for columns being required at end of each group. is this possible?

21. Further to point 20 possibility to show single group completely on same page if data exceeds the pagination being set. Its like adding the page breaks at end of group overriding the defined pagination preferences(say 20) . This is since group sums displayed looks incorrect if 5 out of 50 columns are on preceding page. So effectively if there are 10+10records in 2 groups then I can show it on same page but if there are 10 +50 records in 2 groups then will like to have page break after the first 10 and then next page break after the 50 and then resume normal display

22. Licensing for JasperServer in case of applications with ASP model. I understand that JasperServer is required for analysis and workflow solutions which is not in my case. But does it help in point 3, 8, 10

23. Looking for known limitations in Jasper and which of them are expected to be resolved in near future.


24. Can jasper report address sorting on multiple column headers? How does if fucntion in case of grouping - i.e are the grouped records sorted or the complete set of data

25. Can the rendering be initated before the complete filling process happens? how to do?


I am trying my best to learn up the jasper to address this but at moment it seems to be going slow and bank on the experts in this community. I saw the webinar yesterday and may be few points are also inputs to Teodur for new features.




Thanks and Regards

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