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a lot of Time to Export Reports>!!!??


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we tried to export the reports to pdf, excel...   operators are observing much delay in hours times to have the reports data download.!!! it's still terribly slow or imposible to produce....!!

we are using:

JS 3.5

RAM : 36GB
OS Version : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)

JBoss Oracle DB jdk1.5.0_06

Any advice for this?



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Looking forward to a response. Using CE 3.7.1, 5gb RAM to JVM, 1,300,000 row export to Excel never did finish after 5 hours. With MySQL 5.1.x & 3gb RAM, a report of all 1,300,000 rows completed in 1 hr, 50 minutes. New HP Proliant machine, Fedora, with no other applications running. I've implemented every solution in regards to performance that I've found on the forum (virtualizers, etc)
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 @samerzohdi & @lhp Out of the box the product can't really be optimized for every situation. When you're dealing with millions of rows you want to work with your system administrars and DBAs to optimize the way thing are ran.

Some basic considerations:

* Connection to your database. Is this as fast as it could be? How long is the query time and the fetch time? See fetch size and other options in your jdbc drivers.

* Database optimizations - are you optimizing your queries in the database? Make sure you're indexing the right things. Make sure that Jasperserver is not waiting for the DB. Use a database profiler to see what's happening.

* Calculated fields: if you're doing a lot of calculations in your reports, see if you can push them to your database. Chances are the DB will do it faster than Java.

* Virtualizers - depending on the reports you want to push the work to the database, the CPU, memory or files. Use standard Linux utilities like vmstat here

* Caching - can you take advantage of caching anywhere? If your results don't change much consider caching more.

Really the place to start is to see what the bottleneck is. Is it memory, cpu, network, db? Start by measuring this stuff and then figure out why a certain resource is being oversold. See if you can push away from that resource.

Use tools like jconsole to get a better idea of what's going (good tutorial here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/sunopenjdk-jvm-garbage-collection-tuning-tutorial)

Unfortunately simply stating that things are running slow won't give anyone enough information to help you out.

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