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Underlay Following Section


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In a single row in my result set I have a description field and 15 other fields. The description field on the far left can get very long so I allow it to 'Strech With Overflow'. The other fields will always only take up one line. I want the 15 other fields to display right after each other, do not want a big blank space between them since my description on the far left is pushing them down. In an ancient version of Crystal reports you could put the description in the group header and check the option to 'Underlay Following Sections'. Then put the 15 other fields in the details section. That way the description on the far left would go directly under the details section so the 15 fields on the right would display right after each other with no white space. Attached is a picture of my problem.

Post Edited by kevin15k at 02/11/2011 16:04
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You write that "In a single row in my result set I have a description field and 15 other fields." But won't row 2 also have the same properties? So you need that blank space before printing row 2 or else the 2 large descriptions will overlap each other.

On the other hand, if you have many rows that share the same description, then I think you'll need a subreport to handle something like that.


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Yeah, lets say my data is 4 rows consisting of a description field and 15 other fields like my attached picture. These 4 rows all share the same id and are grouped together. I only populate the description field in the first row of the group, and set it to NULL in the other three since I only want the description to show up once for the group. The problem is my description can be more than one line while the other 15 fields are always only one line. Since the description wraps to more than one line then the other fields have the blank space between them. I would like to somehow have another band above with the description only and have that band lie directly beneath my band with the 15 other fields, but I don't think you can do that in Ireport.

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Ok I can try that, but I believe a subreport requires another hit to the database. My main report data already contains the data I need. So I'm not too sure, but if there is a way to transfer my main report data to the subreport without another call to the database that would be nice.

Thanks for your help.

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Nope, a subreport does not fix my problem. Tried putting my long description field in a subreport, but the long subreport still stretches and puts blank space between the rows of the 15 fields in my details band. Also tried putting my 15 fields in a subreport rather than the description, but still the description stretches and thus stretches the rows of my subreport. Even tried putting both the description and my 15 other fields into their own subreports, no difference. I would think a subreport would be its own separate entity and would not stretch due to other fields in the main report details band, but that does not appear to be the case. I guess I will just have to accept that their is no equivalent to Crystal reports 'Underlay Following Section' in Ireport.

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