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Open pdf File


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Hi all

     i have a merged jasperprint with some document in lanscape and some in portrait, just because jasper is not able to preview a document with different orientation i have to export it.

The problem is, that if i have a pdf document, i want to preview it but i don't want to open it with acrobat reader, so there is a solution that able me to open a pdf file without call an external application?

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Indeed, if you need to create a document with different page orientations, the solution is to create several reports with a given page orientation, and then concatenate them using the batch export. The generated report is a single JasperPrint list object. This serializable JasperPrint object can be further visualized using the embedded JasperViewer tool, or exported to any available output format (HTML, PDF, etc).

Once you exported the document to the PDF format, you can visualize the PDF file using a dedicated PDF viewer only, such as Adobe Reader. The JasperViewer tool cannot be used to view PDF files.

Please take a look to the batchexport sample in the samples directory, to see an example of generated document with different page orientaions.

Hope this helps,


Post Edited by shertage at 02/02/2011 15:06
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Compile your reports first, fill them, then add the resulting JasperPrint objects to a list.
Set the JASPER_PRINT_LIST export parameter with your JasperPrint list.
More about report design, compiling and filling can be found in this tutorial. You can find out in the batchexport sample how to set the JASPER_PRINT_LIST parameter (see the BatchExportApp.java file).


PS: It is recommended to read this post too.

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Hi i read the documentation and i used in past the exporte like this in the example dir:

List jasperPrintList = new ArrayList();
	JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
	exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, jasperPrintList);
	exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "build/reports/BatchExportReport.pdf");
	exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.IS_CREATING_BATCH_MODE_BOOKMARKS, Boolean.TRUE);


but in this way i get a phisical file pdf and with the other output i have .xml,.xsl ecc file or maybe i have a inputstream;but i want a JasperPrint and preview it with a JRViewer.Excuse me but are two day that i'm going around on this problem and i don't find the solution.

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Now I see the problem. I was thinking that you need to generate and see the PDF file ('Open pdf File' is the title).
While the JasperPrint list gets exported as single PDF, XLS, etc document, the JasperPrint
objects themselves are stored separately in a JasperPrint list only. And the JasperViewer can
visualize only a JasperPrint at a time.

Sorry for my misunderstanding. There is no possibility to visualize a list of JasperPrint objects using JasperViewer.
But one could extend the JasperViewer class in order to accept an input JasperPrint list, and modify the next/previous buttons
behavior in order to jump to the next/previous JasperPrint in the list.

It could be a challenging task.

Have a nice day,

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