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Report group on summary band?


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Is there a way to insert a repor group into the summary band? I need to add a report group in a summary band where I have some subreports, because right now they are going to be printed above and under summary right? I'm currently using iReport 3.0.0, thanks in advanced, have a nice day.

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This is the second question I've read today about groups that I don't understand.  Maybe they don't mean what *I* think they mean!  Groups are for organizing DETAILs into different hierarchies.  Since you don't have any DETAILS in your Summary band (as far as the main report is concerned), why would you need a GROUP in your Summary Band.  I must be really bad at visualizing this morning.


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Well the problem is that I'm showing a general select from a table with documents on the DETAILS band, and on the SUMMARY, I want to show all those documents classified depending on a justification, it can be possible? and also, I notice that for each row on the DETAILS band, the report group its repeated as well, am I missing something? thanks.

Post Edited by saman0suke at 01/07/2011 20:01
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