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JasperServer Upgrade from 3.0 to 3.5 questions


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Hello All,

In reading through the documentation for the upgrade from version 3.0 to version 3.5, I am following the steps in Chapter 7 which show how to do the upgrade from the WAR file.  However when I go to the chapter on the WAR file buildomatic, the directions seem to imply that the user already had MySQL and Tomcat installed.  For reference,  when I installed version 3.0 I just used the bundled versions of  MySQL and Tomcat. 

Question 1

When configuring the Buildomatic scripts for the upgrade, do I just point back to installation directory where MySQL and Tomcat were originally installed?

Question 2

Do I need to do anything to upgrade the versions of MySQL and Tomcat that were installed when I originally installed Jasper Server version 3.0?



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 Yes, if you installed originally with the installer ... then you got "bundled" versions of Tomcat and MySQL. 

You can point to those to do your upgrade. And, yes, the upgrade steps are carried out by starting with the War File Distribution ZIP (ie jasperserver-ce-3.7.0-bin.zip) (or in your case jasperserver-ce-3.5.0-bin.zip).

Pointing to Tomcat is pretty simple - just get the path right. For MySQL, just make sure you can login to mysql (just to make sure you are specifying all the info correctly). You can try something like:

  cd <js-install>/mysql/bin

  mysql -u root -p

  give password: "password" ("password" is setup by default - but if you changed it use the changed one)

Regarding MySQL, I think the 5.5 version is still in beta, right? (I'm not positive). I am sure that we haven't "certified" on mysql 5.5 yet (Ie. certified means that our QA specifically tested the version). But it will probably run fine. 

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Thanks again for all your answers, they have been very helpful.

I decided to go with the MySql 5.1 to be safe. I also went with Tomcat 6.0

I installed MySql and Tomcat separately before doing the upgrade, so I could install them each in their own directory and run as services on startup.

I made some notes as I went along to keep handy for future upgrades.  Hopefully they might help others down the road.

******* Jasper Server Upgrade Notes *******

Installer -The Jasper Server .msi installer is 32 bit only.  To install on a 64 bit machine you have run it in compatibility mode.

 Java JDK and JRE- To run the js-ant Buildomatic scripts, you must have the JDK version of Java installed, not just the JRE version.

 Repository- Exporting the repository is the same as exporting the whole JasperServer database.  Repository=JasperServer database.  It is exported to a zip file which can then be imported to the new version using js-ant. 

 Java_Home- The Java_Home environmental variable needs to be set to the directory containing the JDK and the JRE, for example c:\Program Files\Java

Buildomatic- When configuring the default master properties file for the Buildomatic scripts you have to use a double slash (//) to indicate an actual slash in the path.  For example c:\Tomcat6_0 would be entered in the file as  c:\\Tomcat6_0

JTDS - If you are using the JTDS JDBC driver it should be installed in one of the following directories: (a) -$TOMCAT/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib  or (b) -$TOMCAT/common/lib

Java Commons Lang - If you are using an updated version of the Java Commons Lang jar on your development machine where you write reports, don't forget to update the jar on the JasperServer computer as well

JasperServer Startup - If after loading everything JasperServer will not come up, check the Tomcat Catalina logs for errors, particularly the default Tomcat stop port 8005 being in use.  The solution for this is to change the port in the server.xml file to another port such as 8006.

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