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How do I set the value of a page footer text field when there is a group break?


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This should be a simple thing to get working, but I have not been able to get things the way I want them.

I have a simple report setup with a page header, column header group header, detail, group footer, column footer and page footer. I have a text field in the page footer that should display ****END OF DATA""" on the last page of a group's details on a group break and it should display ****CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE**** for all other pages.

In iReport, I see a way to set a text field placed in the page footer by checking the field's Print When Group Changes box. This works, but not in the way I need; it places the "end of data" message in the page footer of the new group page instead of the prior page footer where it needs to be.

I can get the "continued" message to display in the page footer by checking the Print When Detail Overflows, but this is related to the entire report, not just the current group, so it displayes all of the time, even on a group break.

I have placed this field in the group footer and this works correctly, however, the group footer only prints when there is a group break, so the "continued" message is never displayed.

Do I need to codify this in a scriptlet to set the value of this text field based on certain conditions; what are these conditions and how can I check them in the Edit Expression box for the field, if that's possible? I've gone through the forum posts, the doc and the ultimate guide, and have not found any examples or enough information to resolve this.

Thanks in advance to all who can offer a suggestion/solution.




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