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Jaspersoft ODBO Connect Excel problem


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We are currently evaluating the Excel Addon from jaspersoft.

We often receive the following error in Excel:

An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed.
If the driver is a MS driver, make sure the driver file isn't damaged, and if it is, reinstall.. blablabla

When we receive this error, there is no exception on the jasperserver, except a WARN, but this warning also is logged on successfull operations.

2010-10-28 16:34:08,683  WARN LoggerListener,http-9090-Processor21:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: userX ; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@ffff4c9c: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: null2010-10-28 16:34:08,717 DEBUG mdx,http-9090-Processor21:556 - 628: select from [Products]where [Measures].[Orders]2010-10-28 16:34:08,718 DEBUG mdx,http-9090-Processor21:594 - 628: exec: 0 ms

Here is relevant information from our excel datasource file:
<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/x-ms-odc; charset=utf-8"><meta name=ProgId content=ODC.Cube><meta name=SourceType content=OLEDB><meta name=Catalog content=DWHCube><meta name=Schema content=DWHCube><meta name=Table content=Products><title>DWHCube Products</title><xml id=docprops><o:DocumentProperties  xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">  <o:Description>DWHCube Schema - Products Cube</o:Description>  <o:Name>DWHCube Products</o:Name> </o:DocumentProperties></xml><xml id=msodc><odc:OfficeDataConnection  xmlns:odc="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:odc"  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">  <odc:Connection odc:Type="OLEDB">   <odc:ConnectionString>Provider=Jaspersoft ODBO Connect.1;Password=x;User ID=x;Data Source=http://xxx:9090/jasperserver/xmla;Extended Properties="Provider=Mondrian;DataSource=DWHCube;";Initial Catalog=DWHCube;Initial Catalog=DWHCube</odc:ConnectionString>   <odc:CommandType>Cube</odc:CommandType>   <odc:CommandText>Products</odc:CommandText>  </odc:Connection> </odc:OfficeDataConnection></xml>

I've also attached logging from the driver, and there is an error in it, but it's not clear to me what this means, except that a property is not found?
[2010-10-28] [16:58:24.484] [006748] [Property    ] ....+CBIDBPropertySet::PropertyIDLookup Value:* DBPROP_MULTIPLEPARAMSETS (NOT FOUND) *[2010-10-28] [16:58:24.484] [006748] [Error       ] ..CBIDBPropertySet::GetProperties m_cPropFailed 1

Things I noticed:

I saved the xlsx file in which I had this error, closed it and opened it again in the same excel session, and I could reproduce the error on every operation I performed.
Next, I restarted excel, opened the template, and it worked.

Some support is really appreciated....

Best Regards

Joeri Peeters


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 I have been having the same problem myself and was wondering if you have been able to find a solution.

At the moment I can only determine that if I save my current analysis state, close and reopen  Excel it works fine until I attempt to expand a dimension with several rows. From this, I can only say that it appears there needs to be a  connection reset.

It makes no sense for a user to constantly do this just so they can work in Excel.

Please let me know if you found a solution to this problem.

I will keep searching. If I find something useful, I will post here.




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Jaspersoft Support told me that this might be a memory problem in JasperServer.

To increase memory for the JVM, you can modify the setenv.sh(or bat) file in the apache-tomcat/bin directory

-Xms1800m -Xmx1800m (or a higher value)

and restart jasperserver.

I'm currently limited by my development machine which has only 2 Gb, so I wasn't able to test yet.

I have my doubts about the solution because there aren't any outofMemory errors reporting on the serverside, but it's worth the try.

Best Regards


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Yes, I had the feeling that wasn't going to solve the problem.

I think it's a bug (driver or excel) because I saved the xlsx file in which I had this error, closed it and opened it again in the same excel session, and I could reproduce the error on every operation I performed. I also restarted jasperserver and still I got the error in this xlsx file.

Next, I restarted excel, opened the template, and it worked... having to restart excel all the time is a nightmare to my users

Post Edited by joeri at 11/22/2010 10:18
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I am running version 3.7.1-pro(Linux) hosted on Ubuntu 10-4 (32 bit)

What is the host O/S you are using?

Are you running on a virtual machine and how is it configured?


Initially I got these error messages frequently, but this was reduced significantly when I altered my setup.

I was running my jasper server sandbox on a Virtual machine using the Oracle Virtual Machine. After I changed the configuration from 4CPUs/4GB of memory to 2CPUs/4GB of memory, the number of times I got the error message dropped, however, I still get the error messages from time to time.


At the moment I still get the error messages if I leave Excel open for a while (3 mins+) and then attempt to continue my analysis, or sometimes when I attempt to expand/collapse a row or filter component or just add a new filter to my workbook.


There isn't an apparent pattern to this yet, but I will still keep at it.

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