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Compare record with previous one or next one


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I need an help.

My query result is like that:

1 A fork
2 A spoon
3 B chair


And I need a report that join one or more records by CAT.

Something like:

A fork
B chair


So I think I have compare the record result with the previuos one, and if it's the same, I have to hide the CAT's text area.

But the question is: how can I call the previous record?


Thanks a lot!



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 Well... going in "trial mode", after a pair of hours I found a way.

I create a new report and in the wizard, in the 5th step, I grouped the results for "CAT".


In the "Report Inspector" menu there's a new type of band to create: CAT Group Header.

I create it and I put the CAT field in that band, and the rest in the band "Details".


Unfortunatly I didn't find a way to modify an existing report to add the group as I do in the wizard. 


Hi all and thanks for the hint! 

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 My previous advice about doing by sql was not the better! In fact, the simpliest way was to use the grouping function of jasperreport. It is what the wizard did : it created a group.

To access to group functions inside iReport, you have to go to Report Inspector window and right click on the report object at the top of the window.

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Coincidentally, I just created some similar output this morning.  I didn't use a wizard, though:

I original had $V{LastFirst} and some other fields in the Detail 1 band.  I have multiple rows that might have the same value for $V{LastFirst}, and I didn't want to repeat that Last/First name until I got to a new one.  In the Report Inspector pane in the Detail 1 section, I selected (left clicked) on $V{LastFirst} and then right clicked on it and selected "Group Selected Element(s)".  Frankly, that didn't help much as far as suppressing repeat values (my output is already in the order I want, by the way).  The easiest way, with or without grouping is to select the item that you want to suppress repeats on (under Detail 1 in the report inspector or right in the design pane) and then in the Properties pane, uncheck the "Print Repeated Values" checkbox!


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