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JasperReportsViewer and Images Loaded From Server


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We have a client/server application (using JasperReports) in which we try to use the JasperViewer to view reports (on a client machine) that use images and fonts (which are available on the server). We understand that there when exporting a report, on the server machine, there are ways/solutions to "fill" (maybe this is not the exact term here, sorry) the report with the desired images and/or fonts, available on the server, via the lazy loaded property for images and (some) export parameters for font usage (we are using font extensions of course).

But when trying to apply similar logic in the context of using the JasperViewer, when we try to view on the client machine a jasper print, that has been filled with data from the client machine, but that still needs images/fonts from the server (which we supply at exporting), this is not possible because the viewer looks for the byte data (image) on the client machine and also the fonts are not available on the client JVM (for these items are all on the server).

Is there any solution, any way, to view the report, using the JasperViewer, on the client machine, when some items in the report are only available on the server? Is this (using images and fonts from the server, but filling first with data from the client, data which does not include the images and fonts, for they are not on the client) only possible when we export into other (proper file) formats?

We hope our issue is detailed enough (sorry for maybe over-explaining things).


Thank you in advance,



Post Edited by andreicostache at 09/13/2010 12:59
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