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Hide a row in crosstab


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I have a crosstab where I want to hide (not just print blanks) a row, I don't want there to be any empty space where this row would be (like having a height of zero).

In the crosstab there are "holes" in the data, so some columns don't show up, but the crosstabs are in the detail section and they need to line up with each other on a page, so even if there is no values in a column, that column still needs to be there. To get around this I redid the query with a left join, but the side effect is a "null" row. If there's a better way to solve the original problem so that the "null" row doesn't show up, I'd be up for that too!

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I am using 3.7.1 (Pro) and when creating / editing a crosstab report via Ad Hoc Editor you can right mouse click a row and exclude it (same thing with a column) from the report output.  Once you select to exclude the data, the editor will list the field and data value as a filter for the report.

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The report is completely done except this one issue, and I'm not using the ad hoc editor. Also, filtering is no good. The reason the row is in the report is b/c I left join with another table in order to get around another issue where there are "holes" in the columns. So if the row I don't want printed is filtered out, I'm back to square 1 with "holes" in the columns again.

I can't believe I'm the first person to have this issue.

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