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JasperReports and iReport are fantastic products. Where I feel they are lacking is in the complete lack of real time support.

I am new to the application and when I post I get no replies where as on the Oracle APEX forum the support from fellow developers is excellent. I have been able to work out most of my problems but I took me entire weekends to do it. I have now bought 4 books on iReports and JasperReports skimming through them for the information I require so this forum has been of no help to me. I will persist with both iReports and JasperReports because they are excellent products but I hold little faith in the forum.



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You get what you pay for. This is open source software, and you don't have to pay for it.

If you want better support, pay for the professional edition that comes with a support contract. Until then, rely on the community. People may or may not have answers for your questions, and the project maintainers may or may not have the time to give free advice. Either way, you are (possibly) getting free support from the goodwill of others. Or you are paying for it.

Your choice.

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I take your point.

My point was based on the Oracle OTF forum where there is a much higher level of participation. I have now bought 4 books on this subject trying to answer the questions myself and have been answering my own questions in the main. I have received some help which will encourage me to comment on posts myself but my frustration was evident.

My point was really that I would have thought to give help you need to offer it and if everyone simply takes the view that because it is free then don't expect much no-one benefits. This product would have benefitted from information received from this forum so the developers are made aware of bugs and possible enhancements otherwise why host a forum and make the application available.

Please don't get me wrong, this is a great product.

Kind Regards,


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