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Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

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By: Sofiane - sofianito

Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-02-11 08:26

Hi Teodord,


Using the best opensource Reporting tool ( JasperReports :o) ) I'm generating quite a lot of charts using JFreeChart 0.9.5, but the only drawback is that since the fonts used by JFreeChart are Java logical fonts defined in font.properties, and since JasperReports consider all charts as bitmap images, the quality of charts' texts in the PDF are quite ugly. Is there a way to improve this drawback?









By: Marcio Alves - djambra

RE: Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-10-15 20:10

Hi All,

I'm having the same problem with the lost of quality in chart images generated to PDF format.


Could anybody help me with this issue?









By: Paulo Soares - psoares33

RE: Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-10-16 02:38

The charts can be rendered to PDF keeping all the vector and fonts. The process can be (pdf wise): chart->template->pdf image. As there's already an exception to read images directly from file with iText, it shouldn't be that difficult to make the same with charts.





By: Marcio Alves - djambra

RE: Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-10-17 07:43

Thank you Paulo,

I'm working on this problem now and I realized that the problem wasn't in the Jasper Reports but in the JFreeChart library. Then, I used a PNG encoder to increase the image resolution and it works very well when I write the pdf to disk.

But when I tested the code in a web application the image in pdf report lost the resolution again.

It must be because I use the outputstream methods to generate the pdf in the web app.


Have you ever seen this problem?


Thanks again,






By: Paulo Soares - psoares33

RE: Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-10-17 07:51

The problem is that PNG is a bitmap and the resolution will always be worse than a vector solution.





By: Marcio Alves - djambra

RE: Improving Text outputs quality of Charts

2003-10-17 09:45

Any suggestion?

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