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Drill Down Report Using iReport


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I am trying to make a report which provides drill down facility for each slice inside the pie chart.If the slice refers to USA then another report should be opened which will provide detailed information about orders placed in USA.But it is not working.

I have created two reports.In the first report I have created a report with pie chart and each slice as hyperlink.
In the second report I have displayed details about the orders based on the country.
For this I have used a parameter 'shipcountry' and I have used it as a prompt.

when I click on the slice for a particular country in the first report ,the name of the country should be passed to the second report and orders from that country should be displayed in the second report .

I am not able to pass 'country name ' to second report.I don't know what 'Hyperlink Reference Expression' should be used.I have tried many things but not getting the desired output.

Please help.

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You can have drill down in JasperServer, but not in the iReport viewer.

If you're interested in JasperServer, you'd have to create two report units: one for the main report and the second for the detail report.  In the main report's JRXML, add a hyperlink of type ReportExecution, add one hyperlink parameter named _report for the repository URI of the detail report, and a hyperlink parameter for the value that you want to pass (the detail report will need to define an input control for that parameter).



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