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issues having 2 bar charts in multi axis chart


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1. Hello All - With 3 columns "At time" ,"customers out of power","customers restored of power" ,I have 2 bar charts in a multi  axis chart (placed in the summary band). Details of chart are:

Chart 1. Chart data  -series expression  (Static value)"customers restored ", (Bar color green)

                                     category expn : column "At Time" ,

                                     value expn : column : "customers restored of power"

Chart 2 . Chart data  -series expression  (Static value)"customers out ", (Bar color Red)

                                     category expn : column :"At Time" ,

                                     value expn : Column : "customers out of power "

Isuues : since they have the same Category Expression .The Bar overlaps one another  for the same time block and it seems like the parent chart takes precedence .

At a given time:

i.e 1. if  cust restored bar green bar value > cust out bar (red) bar value ,it hides the red bar

      2. If cust restored bar(green)value< cust out ,it shows the lesser green projection on  the bigger red bar .

So here i would want to know if .  1.There is a way to offset any one bar  to display the two bars side by side to each other. If there is .Please let me know the code. Thank you



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I'm currently facing the same problem. The difference is, that my two bar charts have different value types.


Chart 1. Chart data -series expression "Number of clicks"

category expn : column "Week of Year"

value expn : column : "Clicks" <= quantity e.g. 200

Chart 2 . Chart data -series expression  "Costs"

category expn : column :"Week of Year"

value expn : Column : "Costs"   <= currency  e.g. "1.123,00 €"


Therefore I do need two different value axis. The two bars should be placed next to each other (with a small spacing) and should not overlap. 


Any suggestions?

Post Edited by drizzt21 at 08/26/2011 11:55
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It's a bit late but maybe this helps someone in the future.

I managed to solve this exact same problem by adding empty series and using a chart customizer.

My category series look like this:

                                <categorySeries>                                    <seriesExpression><![CDATA["sales"]]></seriesExpression>                                    <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{REGION}]]></categoryExpression>                                    <valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{RES}]]></valueExpression>                                </categorySeries>                                <categorySeries>                                    <seriesExpression><![CDATA[""]]></seriesExpression>                                    <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{REGION}]]></categoryExpression>                                    <valueExpression><![CDATA[0]]></valueExpression>                                </categorySeries>[/code]


                                <categorySeries>                                    <seriesExpression><![CDATA[""]]></seriesExpression>                                    <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{REGION}]]></categoryExpression>                                    <valueExpression><![CDATA[0]]></valueExpression>                                </categorySeries>                                <categorySeries>                                    <seriesExpression><![CDATA["orders"]]></seriesExpression>                                    <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{REGION}]]></categoryExpression>                                    <valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{SUMA}]]></valueExpression>                                </categorySeries>[/code]

In each one of the multiaxis' axis.

Then with a Chart customizer setted on the multiaxis:

public class BarChartSeparator implements JRChartCustomizer {    @Override    public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(0).setSeriesVisibleInLegend(1, false);        chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(1).setSeriesVisibleInLegend(0, false);           }}[/code]

It may not be the most elegant solution posible, but it does the job.

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