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jasperviewer only on server side?

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By: neptune22 - neptune22

jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-16 07:36

hello everyone, i hope somebody could help me out with this...why does the jasperviewer come out on the server screen (not on the client screen)? do i have to set/format something?


anyhelp will be very much appreciated.

thanks in advance.





By: neptune22 - neptune22

RE: jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-16 18:31

anyone? i would really want to hear any comments from the experts... :(





By: C-Box - c-box

RE: jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-16 22:52

Well I guess your client calls the report to get filled on the server isn't it? So you have to transfer the JRPrint-Object back to the client and the client should make a new instance of JasperViewer.... I don't really know where the problem is!?!?


(I talk of a J2EE application where the reports are produced on application server JBoss and send back to the client where it's shown with the JasperViewer. I don't know what architecture you are using)












By: neptune22 - neptune22

RE: jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-17 00:36

hey c-box thanks for your time. but what exactly do you mean by "you have to transfer the JRPrint-Object back to the client and the client should make a new instance of JasperViewer"...?


am using struts-framework..in windows..but i will be migrating this one to linux eventually..the problem is if i try to connect to a server form another pc, the jasperviewer frame/dialog pops up on the server's screen and not on the pc i am using (client).. is there something im missing??? Here's the java source:


JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(formDir + JrxmlName);


Map parameters = new HashMap();

parameters.put("ReportTitle", "TotalTable");


JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, conn);


JRXlsExporter exporter = new JRXlsExporter();


xlsRealPath + "\TotalTable.xls");


exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE);






again, thanks for your time.





By: C-Box - c-box

RE: jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-17 02:41

I don't know what struts are.... we are using a J2EE Application Server (JBoss) and the clients log in via IIOP-Protocol and call the public session-bean methods that the server offers... so the client for examples makes a call like this...


JasperPrint jrPrint = PrintCtrl.getPrintObject(reportID);


and then the application-server produces the JRPrint-Object via the fill-method and returns it back to the client.


and the client shows the JasperViewer.... but I guess your struts-framework has another architecture.. but unfortunately I don't know it.


sorry, perhaps anybody else could help you






By: neptune22 - neptune22

RE: jasperviewer only on server side?

2005-02-17 04:49

thanks anyway for your time c-box..greatly appreciated. anybody else? :(

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