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Install Jasperserver into VM on CENTOS linux


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Hi there,

We installed Jasperserver in a virtual server running in CentOS (linux), we did by SSH conexion,  we use a  Tomcat and MySQL has already existing.....it seems that every was ok after the installing, the ports was ok, the login root user name ok.   But the jasper table that had to be created on a MySQL database, is not there, and of course we couldn't log in.

Can anybody help us? thanks.

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We found some pdf documentation from Jaspersoft.com, it says that Jasperserver don´t run into CentOS platform, is this right??? it would be the reason that we can´t install jasperserver good.


Buuuuttttt there are another pdf and says that jasperserver professional 3.7 is supported on CentOS 5.x


Please we need that somebody, who know about it, can help us...it´s so important.


thanks for your time.



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Here is the support clipped from the releaseNotes.txt file found in the root of the installation directory:

* Installer Supported Operation Systems

  * Linux Installer (32bit and x86_64 only)

    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3, 5.4
    * Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10.2, 11.1

So, since CentOS is really a recompile of red hat, centos should work. Also, we have done lots of installer testing on other linux distributions and they all pretty much work (the difference you see above is the linux versions which are "certified" by our QA team. These are guaranteed to have a consistent level of testing for each JS release).

One thing to do is to take a look at the JasperServer Install Guild PDF. Found in the <js-install>/docs dir. It has some info on troubleshooting the installer. First off, I would take a look at the installer log to see what errors occured. Found in:


You should see bitrock_installer_<number>.log. Make sure you look at the most current one.

The install guide also gives some instructions on creating the jasperserver database manually. See Section 6.4.1 "Manual Creation of jasperserver Database".

I would like to find out what the mysql error was (from the log). And also, how did you install the mysql version. Was it already on the distribution? Or did you install with rpm? And also is the OS 32 bit, x86_64, or "pure" 64bit.

Lastly, you can install using the "Buildomatic" Ant scripts. To do this, you down load the War File Dist zip (jasperserver-3.7-bin.zip), and then follow the instructions in Section 5 "Installing from War File Dist"

Also, can you let me know the pdf doc which says CentOS is *not* supported! ;-) I'd like to look at this if it is handy for you to attach it to this post.



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Hi Tony, thanks for your answer.

I was reading some old threads, and there are people, who could install after solve some problems, so i think that we can...only we need to try harder!

I´m attaching 2 logs, one of the CE instalation, and the other of the Professional version, and in both cases, the error is the same, all seems right, but the jasper table on MYSQL is not on the database.

About the MYSQL existing (version 5.0.77), is because we are trying to install jasper in a virtual server, our VS provider works with Plesk Power Panel, and the mysql it's already installed 'cause Plesk needs to keep some internal databases for work, the same happen with TOMCAT 5.5

We have tried with the WAR file, and install using the buildomatic, and the results unfortunately were the same. 

I´m looking the pdf which says CentOS is not in the list of OS supported...As you imagine, we have a lots of docs, helps, tips, etc printed, just let me find the exactly url where says that.  Ohhh, the platform is CentOs 5.4 - 64bit.

Thanks and regards.


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