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3.7.2 Runs Slow


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Has any one else had the problem of iReport 3.7.2 running very slowly on a Windows XP machine. I have a 1.86 ghtz processor and 4 gigs of ram available though XP only recognizes 3.25 or so. When I open iReport is takes a long time to open and then when I click File-> Open it will take 25 to 30 seconds to open the dialog box. Once the dialog is open I click on my documents and it takes 34 seconds to open there. I have tried to increase the memory heap but if I try to go above 1536 on either setting iReport will not even open. I have tried disabling my anti-virus and that did half the time bt it was still 15 or 20 seconds. And since the computer is actually the companies changing the Anti-virus is not really an option for me. By the way the machine had McAfee 8.7.

Has any one else noticed this behavior since the NetBeans frame has been in use and more noticable in the later versions?

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As of this posting I have not found any reason for the slowdown other than the fact that NetBeans does not seem to play well with the McAfee anti-virus. Since this is a company owned computer I can not change my anti-virus. I have a personal computer and installed the same version of iReport on it and it runs much better.

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