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  1. Hello, Did you find the reason ?
  2. Hello , Is there a reason why compilation is very slow in ireport 3.72 ? I ve created the same desing report (New --> Blank A4) added a static text field in detail section in ireport 3.7.2 and done the same operation under ireport 3.0.0. The compilation time for 3.0.0 is 204 when under 3.7.2 is 1 547. What am i supposed to do to have approxamitively the same compilation time ? Thanks in advance
  3. Hello , Which main class do i have to call to launch ireport 3.7.2 ? Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, did you find a solution to that issue ? I'm facing exactly the same problem when running jasper compile reports with m2 eclipse (Maven)
  5. Hye, Can U please tell me what's the advantage of using multiple Detail Section ? Is there a tutorial explaining that ? Thanks in advance
  6. Hye, Can U please tell me what's the advantage of using multiple Detail Section ? Is there a tutorial explaining that ? Thanks in advance
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