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How to increase detail band hieght dynamically


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Hi All,

           I am using ireport 2.0.5.There is a requirement to increase the detail band hieght dynamically when the text field has more data , are there any settings to increase to it.I am using one textfield in the detail band when it has more information(words), it is displaying only some information.i.e the words are being cut off.Depending on the detail band height the words are displaying.I would like to increase the band hieght when the text field has more data.

           Please find the attached image which shows my problem.




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I have used the "Stretch With Overflow" option for the text field,but its not Stretching the detail band.Its working when i increase the detail band height manually, but its not useful for my requirement and it will display the empty space between each record(line).


Are there any other solution?






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I'm sorry if I didn't understand your needings the right way. In my case I put a field on the detail band and set the height of the deatil band that it fits the height of the field I put on it. I checked the option "Strech With Overflow" in the properties of the field. If I run the report, the field overflows, if the content is bigger than the field height and the band height grows up, too. So I might understood you the wrong way. Perhaps you can post your jrxml so that we can have a look at it, and try to find out what's going wrong.



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I found out that if you set the property "Print order" in the report properties to "Vertical" the field flows over (if you checked the property), if the content doesn't fit.

If you put the detail band height to the height of your fields (in this case 15) you won't get an empty space between your lines.




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