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Dynamic drill down


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I have a report that list all my products. I also have specific production reports for some different product types. Are there any recommended way to make it possible to drill down from the main production report into different reports depending on the value of a field?

My best solution is to set _report paramter in the link parameter of the hyperlink to something like this:

($F{ProductType}==1 ? "/reports/ProductionReportTypeGeneric" :
    "/reports/ProductionReportTypeSpecific" )

But going to 10+ number of product types that needs specific reports this will be hard to manage and I also would like to have the same behaviour on a couple of different links in various reports.

Any suggestions on "best practice" for this?

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As for me, I prefer manipulate database tables than complex java expressions with ten or plus levels of choice.

So I would create a table with a column "ProductType" and  colums "Hyperlinkxxx" as many as various reports that will use this mechanism.

In the main query I have just to do an "inner join" with this table on "ProductType" and I get directly the hyperlink to be used.

After that, if there are changes, I don't modify anythinf in my reports : I have only to do the modifications in the "hyperlink table".


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