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Internationalization help


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I would like the user to be able to choose in which language they want the report generated at the start of running a report. Right now, I can either create a new parameter that will change the text in the report according to the language using if-else constructs. This is not ideal, so I would like to be able to use resource bundles for localization but based on the input control and not the locale in which the user logs in.

The only way I can see is if I would be able to change the value of the REPORT_LOCALE parameter for the execution of the report only, and without it affecting the language of the interface.

Sorry if I am unclear, just ask for clarification and I will be happy to provide it.



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When running a report interactively, the locale used for internationalization will be what was set when the used logged in. It looks like you can override this by setting a "reportLocale" string parameter (input control), that has to be encoded with language and country codes, like  "en", "en_US".


You can also set the locale when scheduling reports.




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Thanks for the reply. I have tried setting up a reportLocale parameter and input control in my report but it doesn't seem to override the locale of login.

If I try viewing the report using something like this:


Then that works. However, just running the report by clicking on it in the web interface and choosing the language with the input control does not.

Would someone know what to do to fix this?


Post Edited by silvannos at 02/17/2010 18:37
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