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General iReport questions


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Brief background:

I have recently been asked to research and find new reporting software to manage complex crosstabs for my company.  We are currently using Reporting Services, but need something more flexible on the reporting side.  We use sql procedures to process and return the data, and just need the reports to display that data in custom layouts.  I have explored iReport for about a week now, and can generate a simple crosstab, but I am running short on time.  So, I have a few questions to see if the reports are capable of fulfilling our needs.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The ability to not display column headers whenever they are deemed unnecessary.
The first row is usually the “base” row, and we need it to repeat as the first row whenever the crosstabs span multiple pages.
The ability to choose when the rows and/or columns break, or if not designated, the ability of the report to intelligently page break on its own.
The crosstab wizard only allows up to two columns groups, however some of our crosstabs run three columns deep.
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hello jmadiso
Even iam not an expert on crossTab but still i have solution for 2 of your questions

(1) The ability to not display column headers whenever they are deemed unnecessary.??

(a)for displaying column and columnheaders in crossTab u just need to pass a string value with the values you are populating in the list and in elementexpression of that colum give a ternary operator and check for this value.

eg:$F{COLUMNHEADER}.equals("what u are passing")? $F{parameterOf FirstColumn}:$P{parameterOf SecondColumn}.

(2) Through crossTab wizard u can give only two columnGroups but u have XML for this reports.Through Xml u can give as many u need.

 (3) For explicitily breaking the column u have pagebreak and column break in iReports.

hope this will be helpful fpr you.

Post Edited by arunsankarkk at 02/03/2010 05:45
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