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Cascading Input Controls - JS Error - RemoteCascad


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Hi all,

i have been trying to patch the 3.5.0 installation of my JasperServer community edition, in order to use the cascading input controls.

The documentation is very straightforward, thank you for putting the effort into it.

Unfortunately, i cannot get it running, and there is nothing on the forum regarding my problem.

After creating the report, parameters, etc., when running the report, i get the following javascript error reported in IE:


'dwr' is undefined at line 195 of cascade.js

'RemoteCascadeDirector' is undefined at line 105 of cascade.js

I can see that FillParams.jsp, ReportTopParametersForm.jsp and ViewReport.jsp all have a reference to dwr/interface/RemoteCascadeDirector.js

The applicationcontext-cascade.xml also points to <dwr:remote javascript="RemoteCascadeDirector">

Yet, i cannot find the js file in my jasperserver installation. Running out of ideas...

Can anybody help? Or do i have to upgrade to 3.7.0 (not an option right now)

Thank you,


All good things come to those who wait


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Hi Sherman,

firefox was the first browser to try with. It did not work, nor returned any error message. So i switched to IE supposing a Java Script error (which was the case)


I have double checked the installation, and once again this morning. As soon as i copy the three scripts over (ajax,cascade,view-report), the error message shows up.


I am running JasperServer 3.5.0 Release, on a Glassfish 2.1 server.


Any other ideas ? Seems that i am the only one with this problem arround :(





All good things come to those who wait


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Hi Sherman,

getting your message today made me try it once more before the week-end

I am pretty sure i know the cause of the problem now

All patched files are in place, double checked and triple checked. The problem still resides in calling the RemoteCascadeDirector.js, which should be part of the dwr.jar package. Well, it is not.

This is the output of my report (code1). As you can see, the RemoteCascadeDirector is being refered from this location. When checking the contents of the dwr package, while engine and util.js are in, RemoteCascadeDirector.js is missing.

I redownloaded the latest patch, just to make sure. Still, the file is not there.

Now, as i see it , this is the source of my problems. But then...how did it work for other people? Or isn't this the problem?


Thanks for trying to solve this with me. Looking forward to finding a solution





All good things come to those who wait


 <script type="text/javascript" src="dwr/interface/RemoteCascadeDirector.js"> </script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="dwr/engine.js"> </script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="dwr/util.js"> </script>
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  • 2 weeks later...

That Javascript is defined dynamically by DWR when the server starts. It is defined by the following config in WEB-INF/applicationContext-cascade.xml:


        <dwr:remote javascript="RemoteCascadeDirector">
            <dwr:include method="initialize" />
            <dwr:include method="handleEvents" />
            <dwr:include method="autoPopulate" />


So it looks like something is failing to start properly. It looks like a Glassfish issue. Maybe look at http://weblogs.java.net/blog/kalali/archive/2006/04/testing_some_fr_5.html for some advice?




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