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how run jasper on jasperserver


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hello all:

first , My English is a little weak. sorry!

I have a question :

in my html ,i want input two parameter :SN1,SN2

and there  have a button  link to jasperserver  and open a window example , to view my report

I write  applicationContext.xml  

<bean id="mybeanfactory" >




here ,in the class  i select and get data  ,use javaBean set datasource

question1:here how can i finish the class
question2:how i  get the parameter SN1,SN2 in java ,  use  the parameter i want  select  database














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You need to create a Bean data source in JasperServer, which refers to your bean, and then use that as the data source for a report unit.


You will need to have input controls on your report unit for the SN1 and SN2 parameters, so that the values in your URL are passed to the report when it is run on the server.




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Now it's work good!

in Spring have a bean , implements ReportDataSourceService , jrxml have a parameter  PP, jasperserver have a input conrtol PP, so , when it run ,i get the MAP form  setReportParameterValues(MAP parameter)

Thank you very much !


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