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Opening an iReport in Excel


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Hi Everyone,

I've searched the forums for this topic, but it's probably such a beginners question, no one has asked this. I'm an intern in a small IT support position and we're trying to move away from the current report designer we have now and into Jasper. One of my tasks is to learn Jasper with the Manager, hands on. We can make our reports just fine, but a few reports require a bit more muscle.

I'm using iReport 3.5.2  ... When we call up a large amount of info in iReports, anything about 2 to 3 months worth of data, and we save the file as a single sheet .xls, we are having trouble getting it open in Excel.

"Excel found unreadle content in "xxxx" Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook... etc"

I've seen this error posted in previous forums but it seems to relate more about exporting than what I'm doing... unless I'm wrong. If we save the iReport Preview as a csv file, it retains all the numbers when opened in Excel. It's just that we're are trying to give the other managers and customers the easiest route to open the report; double click an excel thumbnail and not worry about teaching them how to open the csv file correctly. (It amazing how hard a few extra steps are to some people :) 

Long story short... A small report saved as an xls file can be successfully opened in Excel but not a large one. csv works great but we're trying NOT to go this way.

Is there another plugin or such that I need to help with iReport saving the data in a much easier way for Excel to read? If I'm missing more info for someone to help, please let me know. Thank you!

-The Noob

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