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Numeric Format

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By: Danny Liu - dsyliu

Numeric Format

2003-07-10 09:11

I have a simple query which retrives data from Sybase and display the fields. There is this one numeric field of type Numeric(9,0), and iReport automatically assigned it as java.lang.Double. The result is that a float number, instead of an integer, is displayed on my report (45.0 vs. 45). Is there anyway to convert the float/double to integer (I can't change datatype in the database).


Thank you,






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Numeric Format

2003-07-10 09:27

Use this expression for the textfield that contains your field:


new Integer( (int)$F{YouDoubleField}.doubleValue() )


Another way is use the patter String.

Try this:




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