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Runing Jaspersever in background


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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to setup jasperserver to run at startup, so i've placed the allctrl.bat file to be executed when windows start, but I don't want to have the Tomcat window (displaying all those weird messages) on my desktop.

I've looked inside those .bat files and I think the windows  open when it runs the catalina.jar file.

Is there any way to start jasperserver with out that window?


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This is really a Tomcat question more than a JasperServer question.


Yes, you can install Tomcat to run as a service in Windows. (Go to the Apache Tomcat site to get the installer and instructions.) Having done that you can deploy JasperServer to Tomcat.




P.S. There are also ways that you could get allctrl.bat to run as a service. Googling should fine utilities to handle that. But I think that you'll have more success getting Tomcat (and MySQL) installed directly as windows services.

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Thanks for your reply, but I can Run Tomcat and MySql as a windows services, but the problem is that I use a JDBC driver for a Progress Database, that is in a jar file placed in common/lib within apache tomcat instalation directory. And when I start tomcat it doesn't load that .jar file.

So I need to run Jasperserver, or more specific the Catalina class loader.


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I run Tomcat 5.5 as a service under Windows XP. It picks up all of my JDBC drivers from this directory:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib


JasperServer is able to connect to PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Vertica, and more without problems.


I'm not sure why it would not get these classes in your case, but it should be fixable. I haven't done anything special with my Tomcat instance, so I'm surprised it's different for you. Sorry, I don't know Tomcat well enough to guess what's different.



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