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Dynamically adding sub-reports


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I am using jasper reports for some time and it has been a smooth experience so far with charts and tables.

Now, My current situation is like this:

my report (lets call it experiment report) contains the following things:

  • a bar chart (barchart.csv)
  • a timeline chart (timechart.csv)
  • a table (table.csv)

I have multiple csv files which i use as a data source for each of the above elements.

Now, my current requirement is that i create multiple instances of the same report above mentioned. i.e. There will be a master report which will contain the above experiment report as a subreport and there can be N number of experiments.

So, the final report should have the following things:

  • Experiment1
    • a bar chart (barchart-e1.csv)
    • a timeline chart (timechart-e1.csv)
    • a table (table-e1.csv)
  • Experiment2
    • a bar chart (barchart-e2.csv)
    • a timeline chart (timechart-e2.csv)
    • a table (table-e2.csv)

And there can be N number of experiments. (it will be decided on run time)

I will have different set of csv files for each elements. but my question is how do i include multiple subreports at runtime because the template (jrxml file) is created only once.

Is it possible through jasper report APIs? or any other way?


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Well, I am not an expert in this matter, but I am afraid it is not possible with jasperreports API.

The solution should be possible to obtain with some external XML templating tool, like Velocity.

There is a great article (accessible from jasperreports Docs) about that:



BTW: How are planing on generating multiple cascade styles for your report (just curiosity :) )

Post Edited by pawel_r at 09/04/2009 11:21
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