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Is Jasper smart when use aggregate table?


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I have one big fact table 'Calls'  and one dimension table 'Date' with levels Year,Month,Day and measure 'CallDuration'. I add
one aggregation table (using AggName) that aggregate CallDuration per day.
Suppose that for one day I have 100,000 calls and I store 300 days what gives 30 000 000 rows. When I create very simple MDX that displays CallDuration for each day for each year server is using aggregate table what is proper behaviour, but when I want to display CallDuration for each Month  JasperAnalysis  does not use aggregation table (probably it will work when I make one aggregation table where I aggregate CallDuration per month). In my opinion
  JasperAnalysis should sum rows from aggregation table with day's values (it will be definitly faster than calculating sum from whole table) but it does not happen :( Is it possible force JasperAnalysis to use
aggregation table with per day values when it find date for months?

Michal Szymanski

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