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JDBC Datasource problem


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Hi all,

I'm having a bit of a strange problem. I've had a good look around with Google and reading the forums here but haven't been able to pin point the problem or a solution.


When I define a JDBC datasource on my Jasperserver and click the test button, the request is sent, however the test never returns. The browser, both firefox and IE simply sit there, busy waiting for a response.

I have the same datasource defined in iReport 3.5.2. The report works perfectly.

My JasperServer is running on a windows box, when I use the command line mysql.exe I am able to connect to the remote mySQL server with the same details that I am trying to use in the define datasource web page so it doesn't seem to be an access issue.

I've had a look in the log files and can't see anything related to setting up this connection. Looking in (D:\JasperServer\apache-tomcat\logs) stdout_20090804.log file.

A couple of questions...

1. Has anyone else had this problem and managed to solve it?

2. Am I doing something wrong?

3. Are there any other log files I should check for errors?

4. Is there another way of adding a JDBC data source?

Thanks in advance, JasperServer/Reports and iReport seem like a cracking software combination, I'm just finding a couple of things frustrating.

If I can provide any more information to help please just ask.

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Is the appropriate jdbc driver deployed in tomcat/jasperserver? The only problems I had were with using mysql and finding that the appropriate jar wasn't deployed so I put it in tomcat/common/lib and all was ok.

May not be related but would explain why you can connect through mysql command line but not through jasperserver. Would expect one of the logs to show some sort of error though - try either catalina.out (in tomcat logs) or jasperserver.log (in jasperserver webinf/logs).

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Thanks for the feedback. (I've finally found sometime to continue my investigation).

The mysql-connector-java-5.1.5.jar is in the \JasperServer\apache-tomcat\common\lib directory.

I've had a look at both the stdout.log in \JasperServer\apache-tomcat\logs and the jasperserver.log in \JasperServer\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\logs ... I'm sad to say that neither of these files shows any errors at all.

The last line in both files is :

10:06:40,364  WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor16:55 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@3bcc: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: A4E163F567E75CE28C0A1B95AE7506A4

However I currently have ' Report Wizard - JDBC Data Source' trying to 'test' the connection for me. It’s been running since I started writing this message (approx 5-10mins so far).

This is very frustrating - like I said, mysql.exe can connect to the remote database no probs, why can’t this instance of JasperServer?



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Bit more info, I've changed the log4j settings to get debug out put, there is now a little more in my log file.


Does this mean anything to anyone? ...


15:18:31,090 DEBUG ActionExecutor,http-8080-Processor21:57 - Executing [AnnotatedAction@8d63cf targetAction = com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportDataSourceAction@106bde8, attributes = map[[empty]]] in state 'testJdbcDataSource' of flow 'reportDataSourceFlow'
15:18:31,090 DEBUG ReportDataSourceAction,http-8080-Processor21:199 - Action 'ReportDataSourceAction' beginning execution
15:18:31,090 DEBUG CachingMapDecorator,http-8080-Processor21:150 - Creating new expensive value for key 'testJdbcDataSource'
15:18:31,090 DEBUG CachingMapDecorator,http-8080-Processor21:157 - Caching expensive value: public org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportDataSourceAction.testJdbcDataSource(org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContext) throws java.lang.Exception
15:18:31,090 DEBUG ReportDataSourceAction,http-8080-Processor21:865 - Found existing form object with name 'dataResource' of type [class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.dto.ReportDataSourceWrapper] in scope Flow
15:18:34,106 DEBUG StdRowLockSemaphore,JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread:121 - Lock 'TRIGGER_ACCESS' is desired by: JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread
15:18:34,106 DEBUG StdRowLockSemaphore,JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread:134 - Lock 'TRIGGER_ACCESS' is being obtained: JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread
15:18:34,106 DEBUG StdRowLockSemaphore,JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread:168 - Lock 'TRIGGER_ACCESS' given to: JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread
15:18:34,106 DEBUG StdRowLockSemaphore,JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread:193 - Lock 'TRIGGER_ACCESS' returned by: JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread
15:18:34,106 DEBUG DataSourceUtils,JasperServerScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread:295 - Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource
15:18:51,512 DEBUG ManagerBase,ContainerBackgroundProcessor[standardEngine[Catalina]]:676 - Start expire sessions StandardManager at 1250864331512 sessioncount 1
15:18:51,512 DEBUG ManagerBase,ContainerBackgroundProcessor[standardEngine[Catalina]]:684 - End expire sessions StandardManager processingTime 0 expired sessions: 0

Full log file attached. - I stoped the server, cleaned the log files, started the server, tried to add a JDBC data source and test it.



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I think I might have to give up and do something else in Java myself.


I've spent the whole day trying to get this to work or produce and error that might point me in the right direction. All to no avail.


I can't even get the jasperserver to talk to the default installed local mysql database, again, can connect fine from the command line.


Shame, it looked so good.

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