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An error occurred while getting property "result"


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Hi there...

the last few hours I spent searching for an answer for next problem:

javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy...

Certainly more then ten different hits google returned me. When I searched for a solution for this problem... I could'tfind it. Does this mean there is no solution or what else ?

I want to put a Cube in the jasperserver repository. I use the workbenche to define my schema in xml and I use a mysql database to store the source data. I executed the xml in the workbench and there it returned a correct result.

What can be the solution for this weird '..... "result" from an instance....'  message..

I checked already the alias names, the upcase of the table fields for the joins...

Please can anyone give a usefull answer? I know I will be not the only one waitin' for an answer. I cannot go any further. .. the utlimate guide doesn't give my any idea...

Hope to hear you soon.




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i got many errors of this kind when i was starting to develop schemas, and mostly were schema errors, even though the schema is validated (it has the correct formation) it does not mean that is correct, only by creating some mdx querys and running them you will get the full picture, also like sherman, i recommend restarting the server first

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Your problem could be because of this bug http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4222 If you uploaded the schema after running it once, then you could get this. Try restarting the server.


Did the exception occur during the creation/editing of the analysis view?





I have the same problem and no solution so far :(


Exception occurs when I click on created  'analysis view'.


Michal Szymanski


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Your problem could be because of this bug http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4222 If you uploaded the schema after running it once, then you could get this. Try restarting the server.

I've tried to put schema definition in different folder and also I've tried to restart server but error still appears :(

Michal Szymanski

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Your problem could be because of this bug http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4222 If you uploaded the schema after running it once, then you could get this. Try restarting the server

Today I've installed older version of JasperServer 3.1.0 and I've used the same schema definiton and the same database and there is no error.  I am almost sure that we are talking about error in JasperServer 3.5, the question is how to fix it in 3.5?



Michal Szymanski


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i got many errors of this kind when i was starting to develop schemas, and mostly were schema errors, even though the schema is validated (it has the correct formation) it does not mean that is correct, only by creating some mdx querys and running them you will get the full picture, also like sherman, i recommend restarting the server first

If it was a schema error though wouldnt it fail when you uploaded it to the server? In these cases the schema and MDX query is validated, both in the workbench and on the server its self. Its only when you try to launch the view that the error occurs.

Here is a small example schema and MDX query that i have tried to upload.


<Schema name="Demo">
    <Cube name="Demo" cache="true" enabled="true">
        <Table name="febuary_billing">
        <Dimension type="StandardDimension" foreignKey="sequencing_division" name="Seq_division">
            <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="sequencing_division">
                <Table name="febuary_billing">
                <Level name="seq_division" column="sequencing_division" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never">
        <Dimension type="StandardDimension" foreignKey="project_name" name="Project">
            <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="project_name">
                <Table name="febuary_billing">
                <Level name="project" column="project_name" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never">
        <Measure name="New Measure 0" column="passed" aggregator="sum" visible="true">

and the MDX

{[Measures].AllMembers} ON COLUMNS,
{([Project].[All Projects],[seq_division].[All Seq_divisions])} ON ROWS
FROM [Demo]


|                                  | New Measure 0 |
| All Projects | All Seq_divisions |           150 |


I also tried the workbench generated MDX but with the same result

[Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS,
Hierarchize(([Project].[All Projects].Children * [seq_division].[All Seq_divisions].Children)) ON ROWS
FROM [Demo]

Now, both the workbench and the server can find no fault with this, until you try to run the view. Question is is it a problem with the server/workbench for sucessfully validating somethnig which is wrong? Or is the problem with the running of a view thats correct?


I have no doubt that i have made a mistake somewhere in my coding but its annoying to have two apps validate it ok, only for it to fall down at the last hurdle.


Hopefully we can all find a solution to this, i can almost taste the jasperanalysis goodness around the corner, plus the kudos this will bring when i can demo it to the bosses.



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I know this can be frustrating. There is this lingering problem where an exception is swallowed, and all you get is the useless javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result"....


Hmm, it worked in 3.1 and not in 3.5. Yuck!


 You have all your data in a single table, which is fine. Try removing the <Table> elements within the <Hierarchy> elements.





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I've had a play with this today and am able to get a simple one dimension cube to work on 3.1 but then get the error when i try the exact same files and steps in 3.5.

I then tried my original schema as above with two dimensions on 3.1 and i found this error when i tried to add the MDX query


The following is not a valid MDX Query: Mondrian Error:Duplicate table alias 'febuary_billing' in cube 'Demo'


Might that be the underlying problem but 3.5 interprets it in another way and gives the big error message?


As an aside, coming from perl, java really does like producing large un-helpful error messages.

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I had a similar problem where my database and query worked in older version of jasperserver (2.x)  but when attempting to upgrade to 3.5 it failed.


My data source is view of several tables for simplicity.   All data is entered into the relational tables and since my dataset is fairly small I took the liberty to create a View to create a fact table from the other relational tables.  It worked a treat until 3.5.


The schemas are unchanged and valid in the workbench and upload to the server.  What I found out, for my problem, was that the field type of one of my fields after a concatenation of an integer and text field produced a VARBINARY(263) data type.  This can be understood by the older version but not with 3.5.


Solution:  Change the data type on the database to VARCHAR by casting the integer to a CHAR before CONCAT.  Bingo it works!



Offending code:      concat(`P`.`PROJECTNUMBER`,_utf8' : ',`P`.`PROJECTNAME`) AS ACTIVITYto:      concat(CAST(`P`.`PROJECTNUMBER` AS CHAR),_utf8' : ',`P`.`PROJECTNAME`) AS ACTIVITYCube:	<Dimension name="Activity">		<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Activities">			<Level name="Project" column="ACTIVITY" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never">			</Level>		</Hierarchy>	</Dimension>
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Solution:  Change the data type on the database to VARCHAR by casting the integer to a CHAR before CONCAT.  Bingo it works!



Well, I do not use concat.

Today I was suprised that for short period of time my example works on 3.5 but after restart of JasperServer I've got message 'An error occured while..' :( 

The worst thing is that logs does not show what is real problem look below:


13:14:54,960 DEBUG mdx,http-1280-Processor24:593 - 13: select [Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS,

  Hierarchize([PaymentType.TypPlatnosciAll].[All PaymentType.TypPlatnosciAlls].Children) ON ROWS

from [Payment]


13:14:54,961 DEBUG mdx,http-1280-Processor24:630 - 13: exec: 1 ms

13:14:54,963 ERROR JSErrorPage_jsp,http-1280-Processor24:329 -

javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy


it execute few steps and suddenly I've got exception ' An error occurred while getting p...' :(


Michal Szymanski


Post Edited by szymic1 at 08/20/2009 13:18

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I am not at work at the moment but will check my logs tommorow and see if i can see anything with my error, i assume they are in a log directory somewhere?


I've notice that
[Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS,
[Czas.Okres].[Miesiac].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Naliczenia]

does not work on 3.5 but on 3.1 it works. Use [Measures].[<yourmeasuer] instead.

Michal Szymanski


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 I am also getting the same error message in 3.5 with mysql datbase connection when trying to view an analysis view that was created without any errors in the process .

MDX query was executed sucessfully in Schema workbench:


[Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS,

Hierarchize(([service].[all services].Children)) ON ROWS

FROM [FSConfiguration]



Post Edited by elama at 08/21/2009 21:39
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