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Sub-report return result -> parameter?


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I now know how to get the return result of a subreport and assign it to a variable ($V).  However, I need to use the result in the query (*) of the report.  I wonder if I can assign the return result of a subreport to a report parameter ($P)?


(* We split our table on a daily basis as it is so large.  Each daily table is having the date as the suffix, so for a given day, we go to a given table.  If the user specifies a range of dates (e.g. Jan 1 to Jan 31),  I can run an SQL query to know what valid tables there are in the database.  The result would be a collection of table names.  Since each report can run only one SQL query, and I am not sure I can run a SQL subquery and use the result and make it a union of "select ... from tableJan1" "select ... from tableJan2" etc.  So I came up with an idea to run a subreport to get this collection of table names.)

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