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Database test connection Failed


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            The Database test connection parameters which worked in Jaspet Server V2.1 is not working in V3.5.
Any body has faced this problem so far ?

Post Edited by syntel at 07/13/2009 08:39

Post Edited by syntel at 07/13/2009 08:43
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         Let me eloborate the above issue.
I am using Jasper Server V2.1. in Windows OS as a jasperadmin user with default role settings, I logged into jasper server console and uploaded my schema xml file which has cube definitions.
I tried to use a locally defined jdbc connection and entered all the connection details like Driver,URL,username,password etc..When I tested the connection the test was successful.
But when I tried the same jdbc connection with the same connection details in Jasper Server V3.5 the connection test failed.
I am clueless how this happens.Any suggestions would be of great help.

Post Edited by syntel at 07/13/2009 08:42
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I had the same problem when I upgraded to JS 3.5.1.

What I found to be the problem was when I imported the backup from 3.0, the encypted passwords for my db connections were re-encrypted with the 3.5 import.

I had to re-enter the all the passwords for all my db connections in the jasperserver console.


Hope that helps.





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Yes, the difference between 3.0.0 and 3.5.0 (and 3.5.1) is that database passwords and user account passwords are encrypted by default.


If 3.5.x comes across an "in-the-clear" password in the password column - it will not get handled properly when you try and use the connection.


However, one thing that seems strange: If you are using CE or Pro, when you export from 3.0.0 and then import into 3.5.x, the password upgrade to encryption is handled automatically. Let me know if you found any bug in this upgrade process - ie add bug to tracker.


For CE a script was included to simply modify the database to alter from 3.0.0 to 3.5.0 - so in this case the encryption is not handled automatically (however in the comments of the script - there is a description about how to manually take care of the passwords). (JasperServer Install Guide has the details).

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I am not clear with your phrase,
" What I found to be the problem was when I imported the backup from 3.0, the encypted passwords for my db connections were re-encrypted with the 3.5 import.",
To the best of my knowledge, I am not importing any backup from my previous version for my db connections.

I am re-typing all the connection details manually (including the password) in the jasperserver console server.
Because of this connection problem which occurs in V3.5, I am forced to use the older version of jasper server.

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When I enter all the connection details like Driver,URL,username,password etc in the Jasper Server console V3.5, and click test  connection, all I get is test failed.
Is there any detailed log available in any folder, to get exception reason as because of which invalid parameter the test connection is failing.
Test failed is a very high level reason and it is difficult to debug particularly when you feel all the connection paratemetrs provided is correct.

Post Edited by syntel at 07/14/2009 15:08
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I am telling the solution for postgresql u can apply this for some other database also.

What jar file you are using in the CLASSPATH, if you are using old version then u need to upgrade,

to postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar.

Then check whether it is working.


or check the below.

      Try this you will get to work correctly,.

Check the url

says example

Check this url in the browser, if you are getting error for that page , there is no connection like that

then u need to check the database configuration file,

if you are using postgresql,

Then in the file /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/postgresql.conf


change the following line:

listen_address='localhost' to



Then your test will be successful.






Rohini A.M



Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/15/2009 05:23

Post Edited by rohinijasper at 07/15/2009 05:24
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