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Problem with report not displaying the detail data


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I have a bizare problem. I am able to run mu report in iReport with all parameters defined and it gets all the data ok, and displays everything in order. However, when I run the same report from my application with the same parameter data (I know it is the same because I copy it from the log to the previous case, in the ireport), nothing in my detail band is displayed, but all therest od the bands are filled. 

Any suggestions?

Thanx in advance!


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 Actualy I have two types of reports: with custom datasource and a jdbc connection. But the problem persists in both. I managed to add a printout in the log of the next() method of my datasource and it does go through all of the items that are requred to be displayed in the report (they have the proper values). I'm starting to think that it might be some kind of a setting (property file) or a dependecy problem, or even a system property that iReport loads on startup (like system fonts?), but my application does not. 

Any ideas?

Regards, Vasko

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Hi Vasko !OK, so your datasource seems to be OK, but not displaying... Are you in a report or a subreport ? Did you check whether your datasource was full from Java, or at runtime in your report ?Could you also give us your sources so we can understand better ? :)




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Thanx for replying blaguman!

Just as a test, I made a clean test report (with the iReport 3.5.2 wizard) which has a simple query (select field1, field 2 from a table) and puted them in the report using a simple jdbc connection. I used the same driver version (using oracle thin) for both iReport and my application. And again, the detail field in the iReport preview mode is filled and in my application it is not.

So, what I am trying to say is that, it does not matter if I use datasource or just plain connection, the problem is there. I can give some of my source, but i do not think the problem is there. That's why I wrote in one of my previous posts, i think it might be something totaly unrelated to my source, like a setting of jasper reports, some library dependecy issue or a system related property.

I was more hoping that somebody might had the same problem and to try to share his idea about solving this.

Thanx again,


P.S. I will post my source later, just in case, since I am not in my office right now... :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Hi all,

I managed to solve my problem, but forgot to post the sollution.... sorry about that.  :)

Here is what I did: It seems that the problem was with the compiling of the report. I compiled the report with iReport, and the used the compiled jasper file in the application. I decided to change that, and compile the report in the application. At my total surprise it turned out that an attribute in a tag in the xml definition was not defined (do not remember the attribute name). I am not sure if jasper managed to introduce an attribute in a minor version release (since iReport was using a 3.5.2, and in my app I am using 3.5.1) but removing the attribute solved my problem. So, if you have the same problem, what I recommend is to try and compile the report in the application. It should give you exactly what the problem is.




Post Edited by jonycus at 07/11/2009 11:00
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