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JRException: Could not load font from locatio

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By: Arturo Davalos - davalos

JRException: Could not load font from locatio

2003-06-26 10:51

I try to generate a pdf-report using a java applicaction (Using Eclipse). My applicaction compiles perfect, but when I try to run the console give a exception


dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Could not load font from location : Courier

at dori.jasper.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportText(JRPdfExporter.java:1105)

at dori.jasper.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportPage(JRPdfExporter.java:391)

at dori.jasper.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportReportToStream(JRPdfExporter.java:340)

at dori.jasper.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportReport(JRPdfExporter.java:262)

at dori.jasper.engine.JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(JasperExportManager.java:140)

at dori.jasper.engine.JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(JasperExportManager.java:106)

at siar.reports.Poliza.main(Poliza.java:70)





Arturo Davalos






By: Anderson Fabiano Ferreira de Ar - andersonf78

RE: JRException: Could not load font from loc

2003-07-02 06:22

try to inform the FULL report path.

'Courier' is very unlike to be a valid .jasper file.





By: Cesar A. Correia - cesarac

RE: JRException: Could not load font from locatio

2003-07-15 15:08



I having same problem!! But i need use a RELATIVE path and no FULL path, because I using Tomcat (and others applications servers) to fill report. In others words how Jasper look for fonts?


Any idea?


Thanks in advance!!





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: JRException: Could not load font from loc

2003-07-15 23:45




The font files can be located also as resources

within the classpath.

This is how all the provided samples work.

In the "pdfFontName" we give their classpath location

and not an absolute path on disk.


I hope this helps.







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: JRException: Could not load font from loc

2003-12-19 15:33




The true cause might be this one:




But it could be any other mismatch between the

pdfFontName and the pdfEncoding atttributs.

The JasperReports code was update on the CVS

repository to give more details about the cause

of this exception.


I hope this helps.


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