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Decision making within reports - How?

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By: Joanne Corless - jocorless

Decision making within reports - How?

2003-12-16 09:05

I have a report that queries the database using the usual "select *" expression and I want to be able to decide at runtime which field should be display in my report based on another fields value.


Basically it is a simple IF statement


If field1 = "THISVALUE" display field2

else if field1 = "THATVALUE" display field3


How can I achieve this functionality in the report's XML


Jo Corless





By: Joanne Corless - jocorless

RE: Decision making within reports - How?

2003-12-17 08:52

Duh!!! Fixed it I just needed to use a textfield expression and a printWhenExpression





By: Ethan Kayes - ebkayes

RE: Decision making within reports - How?

2003-12-17 09:01

Would you mind sending a sample of the code you used to solve this problem. We have a similar requirement.





By: Joanne Corless - jocorless

RE: Decision making within reports - How?

2003-12-18 08:19

Here you go


<textField pattern="">

<reportElement mode="Opaque" x="608" y="3" width="69" height="17" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true">

<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($F{FIELDDATATYPE}.equals("STRING")||$F{FIELDDATATYPE}.equals("LOOKUP"))]]></printWhenExpression>



<font fontName="Times-Roman" size="12" pdfFontName="Times-Roman" pdfEncoding="CP1252"/>


<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{OLDSTRINGVALUE}]]></textFieldExpression>


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