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Transparent Rectangle with static fields embedded


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I'm developing Jasper reports using IReport. One of my requirement is to have like a rectangular area (blue in color) with dynamic data in it.  I'm able to get the data part etc comfortably, but the whole point of surrounding the fields with a rectangle and then trying to make it transparent with the remaining part of the background filled with blue is something that is difficult. Any ideas/thoughts to tackle this? The main reason for not being able to do this is coz if you render something transparent, you cannot set the background to fill the remaining area with blue.




Any help would be useful.




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Thanks, but that didnt seem to work. To make things clearer, I have attached the file that I'm working on. Please open this in iReport. The Rectangle that you seen on the right side is the one with background blue. The page should have a white background. However, the static fields inside the rectangle should show with a blue background. Kindly glance at the file and let me know if you got the problem.


Or if there's a better way to resolve the issue, please suggest the same.


Thank you so much,


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