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How to pass a custom object

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By: Simon Chevrier - simonchevrier

How to pass a custom object

2003-12-10 07:54



I want to add to my report an object that is already in my session. Is it a way to pass my object to jasper other that make a query to the database.


I use to create my report ireport.







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: How to pass a custom object

2003-12-10 07:57




You can pas anything as a parameter when filling

a report:




Chech the samples to see how parameters are used.


Thank you,







By: Simon Chevrier - simonchevrier

RE: How to pass a custom object

2003-12-10 08:15



if I want to use my customer or invoice object, I only have to pass it in my parameter and use them in my report.



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