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continue text in subreport

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By: Felipe Goikoetxea - kfelipe

continue text in subreport

2003-12-09 03:50

Hi folks,


I have a problem with my subreports:


I would like to print the typical "continue" text in the title when the subreport overflows to the following page.


I get the title but not the "continue".






<band height="17">


<reportElement x="0" y="2" width="515" forecolor="black" backcolor="white" height="15" mode="Opaque" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="true" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/>

<textElement >

<font reportFont="Arial_Bold_Big" />


<text>Title subreport</text>


<staticText >

<reportElement x="145" y="2" width="515" forecolor="black" backcolor="white" height="15" mode="Opaque" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/>

<textElement >

<font reportFont="Arial_Bold_Big"/>










By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: continue text in subreport

2003-12-09 05:22




How big is Arial_Bold_Big?

Does it fit in 15 pixels tall text element?

You see the title because the text field has

isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true", but the "Continue"

is a static text.


I hope this helps.







By: Felipe Goikoetxea - kfelipe

RE: continue text in subreport

2003-12-10 00:06

Hi there,


The font size is 12, so size=15 should be enough to get it printed.


I have tried to change from static text to text field and modify almost every single parameter and have had no success. I don?t know what can be wrong with this.


Thank you very much and if anything comes to your mind, pls let me know.







<reportFont name="Arial_Bold_Big" isDefault="false" fontName="Arial" size="12" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" pdfEncoding="Cp1252" isPdfEmbedded="false"/>






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: continue text in subreport

2003-12-10 00:40




Sorry, I should of paid more attention to your XML.

It is not about the text element height.

It is about isPrintRepeatedValues="false" and



The first attribut says that your static text field will

never print, since it will always have the same value.

Static texts behave just like lines and rectangles

as far as this attribute is concerned.

The second attribut says that the static text should

print however, when the containig band overflows to

the next page.

Everything seems OK, since a similar thing we can

find in the "subreport" sample provided with the project.


But the things are not quite the same. In your case,

you have placed the "continue" text in the page

header, but it is not the page header that overflows.

It is some other report band that overflows and in

this case the isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true".


This brings to my attention that in fact the name

of this attribute is not good. It should be known

as "isPrintWhenBandOverflows".


I hope this helps.







By: Felipe Goikoetxea - kfelipe

RE: continue text in subreport

2003-12-10 01:45

Hi Teodor,


Yes, this helped me a lot to understand it.


I need to find a work around to fix it. It comes to me

a couple of ideas to do so. ie:

+ Using a variable with the initial page number to

compare to.

+ Putting the title in the group which contains the

subreport that overflows in the MasterReport.


Thanks again,



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