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Open Flash Chart


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I really like the idea of integrating Jasper with Open Flash Chart 2 (OFC).  In particular this user feature -- when the user mouses over a data point, there will be a tooltip popping up telling the exact values of the data point.  I understand JasperSoft only positions the support of OFC as a "proof of concept".  I could not find much discussion about this support on the Internet, so I explored a bit how much integration has been there.  Here are what I found


I am using JasperServer-Pro 3.5.  Based on the sample report (/organization_1/Reports/Samples/Open Flash Charts Report), I js-export'ed the sample report, and then hack the resulting data file in the report unit.  (I don't know how to edit the support of OFC in iReport, so for now I am resorting to manually hacking of the JRXML file).  The key is to replace the section marked by the tag <barChart> by its equivalent of <ofc:barChart>.  And then I js-import'ed (with --update) the report back into JasperServer. 


This is working and the resulting chart is very cool!


However, there are two limitations:


1. Currently, there are only support for bar chart and pie chart.  But I need line chart.


2. Apparently the report cannot have parameters.  I tried with a report with some parameters and JasperServer/OFC would fail (no error message -- the flash movie just did not run). 


I wonder if there is any plan to promote the support of OFC from "proof-of-concept" to "official"?  Alternatively, if we want to add the support by ourselves, how difficult it would be?  Thanks!

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The Open Flash Charts implementation was an example of using the general visual component feature of JasperReports. It has a lot of limitations, as you have found.


We are working on getting FusionCharts into JasperReports and JasperServer. That will be a full featured.




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Hi Leeyuiwah,

can you please let me know how you got flash charts working in your jrxml? I am using Jasperserver pro 3.51.I tried your advice above and replaced the tag <barChart> with <ofc:barChart> and it gives me following error in iReport:

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix "ofc" for element "ofc:barChart" is not bound.


Can anyone guide me here how to get flash charts working for a barchart/pie chart?

Thanks in advance,


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Can somebody here guide me how to use fusion charts in jrxml files? Have downloaded fusioncharts and placed in /WEB-INF folder of Jasperserver. iReport just throws a error when I include Fusioncharts.


Thanks in advance,


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Sorry to bug you Sherman, if you can respond to this request that will be great. Is Fusion charts already in Jasperserver? Any light on how we can use fusion charts in Jasper will be great, gives Jaspersoft a better edge over other tools.


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Sorry I missed your post until.  You cannot simply replace <barChart> by <ofc:barChart>.  Instead, you will have to following the example in (Samples/Open Flash Charts Report) and then do the translation intelligently.  I did this a while back ago and now I forgot what exactly were involved.


In any case, the support of OFC is really limited.  I would rather wait for the official support come up with FusionCharts. 


Hope this help!

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