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Report Groupings


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I'm creating a report with multiple groupings, but the information is not coming out correctly. I've made sure to put my data in order of groupings. Here's the basic grouping of my reports:

Work Shop (Shop that peformed the work)

     Work Order (The invoice for the work that was done)

          Work Classification (The breakdown of the type of work done, and whether it was a labor or equipment expense)


It seems like the Work Shop and Work Order classifications are working well, but my Work Classification group is not working correctly. In my query, my data has the Work Classification, and there are only 2 values that show up, "Equipment" or "Work". All of my data is coming up under the "Equipment" classification (I print the work classification in the Group Header), when I know the data I queried on my query developing program has 2 different values. I guess I need help in finding out what I'm missing that's causing my information not to group the way I want it to. 

I've attached an Excel version of my report that I edited slightly. The issue is that Everything is once again showing up as equipment, when the only items that should show up in the Equipment group are anything that has a component designation that starts with "N". Everything else is classified as Work and should show up in another group titled "WORK".

Any and all help is appreciated!


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Here's the XML for my report, I apologize in advance for the SQL, I dumbed it down for my purposes to try and debug the report. I also have a few spare elements just floating in the report that I haven't put much work into quite yet.

[EDIT] I also added an excel file with the output of my query



Post Edited by Kurtis McCoy at 04/06/09 19:15
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Ok, the only thing that I can point out is that your order by statement is:

order by a.shop, a.repair_order_number, a.work_classification, a.full_name

whereas your groups are

1. <group name="MOW Discipline" isStartNewPage="true">

2. <group name="Work Order" isStartNewPage="true">

3. <group name="Work Type">

It seems like WORK_TYPE and WORK_CLASSIFICATION are two different fields so you might need to update this. This is pretty much the only thing that sticks out.


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