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Divide by zero error


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I designed and developed a report in iReport 3.1.4 and used the Theme eye.candy.sixties.  When I run the report locally it works just fine (even thought I'm hitting a remote database) but once I upload the file to JasperServer (3.1.0) and run it I am returned an error that reads:

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero	at net.sf.jasperreports.charts.themes.EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.calculateTickUnits(EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java:1262)	at net.sf.jasperreports.charts.themes.EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.createBarChart(EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java:540)

This is confusing me since I don't see it when I run it on ireport 3.1.4 and I also don't see it when I change the theme of the report to default or any of the other Theme options and upload it to JasperServer.

Is anyone aware of any work arounds for this?  Has anyone else encountered this issue?

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yes,  I know that the data is being fed to the report.  I am hitting the same database on my local machine as the production server is hitting.  Plus I changed out the theme on the graph to use one of the generic themes and the report builds as it should.  The problem with using the other theme is that you can't read it when there are lots of data points.  The eye.candy.sixties theme is the best for the data I'm using.

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I wanted to provide some additional information that we uncovered while debugging this issue.  The report I developed was developed using iReport 3.1.4 which is bundled with JasperReports 3.1.4 and JfreeChart 1.0.12 but the production server is JasperServer 3.1.0 which is bundled with JasperReports 3.1.2 and JfreeChart 1.0.10.

It is my opinion (and the opinion of others in my office) that this is where our error is finding the light of day.  Is there any chance that a version of JasperServer 3.1.4 (or a version that is current with the version of iReport) will be released in the near future?  I see that 3.5.0 is available for iReport (but it fails when I attempt to import my 3.1.4 reports) but the JasperServer is only RC and not yet production ready.  Is there consistency between these products?

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It is my opinion (and the opinion of others in my office) that this is where our error is finding the light of day.  Is there any chance that a version of JasperServer 3.1.4 (or a version that is current with the version of iReport) will be released in the near future?  I see that 3.5.0 is available for iReport (but it fails when I attempt to import my 3.1.4 reports) but the JasperServer is only RC and not yet production ready.  Is there consistency between these products?

You could get the JasperServer 3.5 release candidate and check whether the problem is fixed.  As Anandharaj said, the final release would be out in a matter of weeks.



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