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The Sub Report Dilemma - Help!


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I have reviewed all of the doc I can find on this and find it hard to believe that iReport/JasperReports would not support a master level and two sub-report levels below it. I've seen similar questions to this one, but no useful answers.

For example, I want to represent my data in beans where the master bean is in the top level Array passed to JRBeanCollectionDataSource. There is an ArrayList in this top level bean used to represent, for example, all of the classrooms in a school with the teacher's name, room number, etc. Each entry in this ArrayList is a bean that represents each student in the classroom. Therefore, we have:

Master bean  ---- (has array of Classroom beans)

       Classroom bean  ---- (has array of Student beans)

              Student bean  ----

I need a master level report because I have more than one setup like the one above on the report.

When I set this up in iReport 3.1.4 and use JRBeanCollectionDataSource() to create the report in my java code, It appears that I can only go down one level below the Master level. The subreport just below the master loads and displays data as expected, but the subreport representing the Student data cannot be loaded (throws JasperException) when the report is run.

It sure would be great to get the definitive answer on this issue: is there a limit on the number of subreport levels when usung JRBeanCollectionDataSource or is there a particular way that subreports must be dropped into the subreport one level up in the iReport GUI Detail section?

If there is a limit..... how does one solve this problem which is a common reporting requirement. Is there another Jasper class that will handle more than two levels (top or master included)? Or, does one need to do some slight of hand coding to get this to work? Has anyone solved this and could you point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance for anyone's help.... 'cause I'm stuck!  8^/






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